NFT's Transfer

Multi-NFT transfer is possible in just One transaction.

NFT's Transfer

NFT's Transfer NKP supports NFT multi remittance for the first time in the world. In the meantime, sending NFTs one by one on Opensea or multiple platforms is not It was a very arduous and time consuming task.

NKP provides services to NFT users for the first time in the world!!

You can freely transfer Klaytn NFT multi-transfer without additional fees.

  • Enter the contract address of the NFT you own and click.

  • Check out the NFT collections I own and select an ID number.

  • Enter the address of the user who will receive the NFT.

  • Click Send to complete multi-transfer.

Check the contract on Klayscope

Check Opensea NFT Deltails

You can now easily send dozens of copies. You can save time and fees at once. It is simple and offers powerful features.

*You can transfer up to 200 NFTs at a time.

*The remittance service can be used when the KIP-17 standard and contract are operating normally.

Last updated